Students from 4th Grade
Colegio Mirador
I.- Practice pronunciation, exercises in classroom.
The fat cat sat on the man’s hat
/ðə fæt kæt sæt ɒn ðə mænz hæt/
Steve keeps the cheese in the freezer
/stiːv kiːps ðə tʃiːɪz ɪn ðə friːzə/
It’s best to rest, said the vet
/ɪts best tə rest | sed ðə vet/
I ate an apple and a banana in a cinema in Canada
/aɪ eɪt ən æpəl ənd ə bənænə ɪn ə sɪnəmə ɪn kænədə/
It’s hard to park a car in a dark car park
/ɪts hɑːd tə pɑːk ə kɑːr ɪn ə dɑːk kɑː pɑːk/
Tim bit a bit of Kitty’s biscuit
/tɪm bɪt ə bɪt əv kɪtɪz bɪskɪt/
John wants to watch Walter wash the dog
/dʒɒn wɒnts tə wɒtʃ wɒltə wɒʃ ðə dɒg/
My mother’s brother’s my uncle; my uncle’s son’s my cousin
/maɪ mʌðəz brʌðəz maɪ ʌŋkl̩ | maɪ ʌŋkl̩z sʌnz maɪ kʌzn̩/
That cook couldn’t cook if he didn’t look at a cook book
/ðæt kʊk kʊdn kʊk ɪf i dɪdn lʊk ət ə kʊk bʊk/
Sue knew too few tunes on the flute
/suː njuː tuː fjuː tjuːnz ɒn ðə fluːt/
The girl heard the nurse work
/ðə gɜːl hɜːd ðə nɜːs wɜːk/
Laura’s daughter bought a horse and called it Laura
/lɔːrəz dɔːtə bɔːt ə hɔːs ən kɔːld ɪt lɔːrəz/